Early Access feature

Postman EU Data Residency

The Postman EU Data Residency provides a solution for customers in the European Union (EU) to use Postman in compliance with their internal privacy and residency requirements. If you select the EU Data Residency, your data will be stored in EU data centers. An instance of Postman hosted in eu-central-1 (Frankfurt) is available for new Enterprise customers.

About EU Data Residency

Enterprise customers in the EU often have policies that require sensitive data to be stored in the EU. Postman users may require exceptions to data policies in their organization because the main Postman platform is hosted in the us-east-1 AWS data center in Virginia, US. With the new EU Data Residency, organizations have the option of storing all user personally identifiable information (PII) and user-generated data in the EU.

Purchasing a Postman EU Data Residency plan

To purchase a Postman Enterprise EU Data Residency plan, contact the Postman sales team. After you purchase your plan, the Postman team will help set up Postman Enterprise for your organization.

Set Postman region preference

After you have purchased a Postman Enterprise EU Data Residency plan, you can add your new account when you log in from the Postman desktop app. To log in to the EU Data Residency in the Postman desktop app, do the following:

  1. In the Help menu, select Region Preference for New Accounts > Use EU Region by Default.

  2. Follow the usual sign-in procedure as detailed in Sign in to Postman.

The authentication flow will begin in the EU region the next time you add an account. You can then select that account to log in to the EU Data Residency.

You can also select the Always Ask for Region Selection if you prefer to choose the region for each new account added. This setting presents you with a region selector every time you add a new account. You can also select Use EU Region by Default to return to the default behavior.

This setting only affects the region in which authentication flow will initiate for adding new accounts to the app. It doesn't impact any existing accounts already present in the app.

Feature availability

With the Postman EU Data Residency, you can use features of the Postman API platform to build and use APIs, with all data stored in the EU. You can create and send requests, write test scripts, organize them into collections, and automate testing with the Collection Runner. You can simplify each step of the API lifecycle and streamline collaboration with features from the Postman Enterprise plan.

The EU Data Residency plan includes the following features:

  • The Postman API Client
  • Collections
  • Private API Documentation
  • Internal Workspaces
  • The Collection Runner
  • Mock servers
  • The Newman command line tool
  • API Governance
  • Private API Network
  • Roles and permissions
  • SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management)
  • Collection Recovery
  • Audit Logs
  • Secret Scanner
  • Deployment control
  • The Postman VS Code extension

The following constraints apply when you're on an EU Data Residency plan:

  • The Postman EU Data Residency is only available to new Enterprise accounts.
  • The Postman API Network isn't available in the EU region. Users can't view, search, fork, publish, or export Postman API Network content as an EU user. This includes public collections, public workspaces, Partner Workspaces, and public API documentation. EU customers can maintain separate logins in the US instance to manage public offerings and consume other public APIs.
  • Team profiles can't be made public.
  • Integrations aren't available.
  • Flows aren't available.
  • API Builder isn't available.
  • Types in collections aren't available.
  • Spec Hub isn't available.
  • The Postman CLI isn't available. Newman can be used instead to run and test collections from the command line.
  • Monitors and scheduled collection runs aren't available.
  • Reports aren't available.
  • Enterprise plan add-ons aren't available.

Configuration differences

  • The Postman API uses the api.eu.postman.com subdomain and some endpoints aren't available.

For more information

For more information on Postman Enterprise, see Postman Enterprise plans.

Last modified: 2024/09/27