Follow these steps if you're on Linux (all Postman versions), macOS (Postman v10.16 or earlier), or Windows (Postman v10.17 or earlier). If you're on macOS (Postman v10.17 or later) or Windows (Postman v10.18 or later), go to Capturing requests with the Postman proxy instead. To check which version of Postman you're using, select
Settings in the header, then select Settings > About.
When using APIs to build client-side applications like websites or mobile and desktop apps, you may want to inspect HTTP and HTTPS request traffic. Sometimes you might discover undocumented APIs. You can capture network traffic, including requests, responses, and cookies, using the proxy that's built into Postman.
You can also use the Postman proxy to automatically sync cookies from a browser to the Postman cookie jar. Learn more about syncing cookies.
The Postman app has a built-in proxy that can capture HTTP and HTTPS traffic. Here's how it works:
Similar to the Interceptor extension, the Postman app proxy intercepts and captures your requests. It can also capture responses and cookies.
After you start the Postman proxy, you can start a proxy debug session, which is a time-bound session of traffic capture. You can start, pause, and stop a proxy debug session, then later start another one. Each debug session is logged in the History tab, and displays the total session time, a traffic overview, and all traffic captured. You can also send requests and responses to a collection, and save cookies to the Postman cookie jar.
In the steps below, you'll use the Postman app's proxy to inspect HTTP communication going to and from a phone. To get started, make sure your computer and phone are connected to the same local wireless network.
You can't use the Postman proxy with the Postman web app. Make sure you've installed the Postman desktop app.
Select Capture requests in the Postman footer.
In the Capture requests window, select the Via Proxy tab.
In the upper right, select Enable proxy.
Enter a port number. By default, it's set to port 5555. Make a note of the port number you've used; you'll use it later when configuring clients.
Select Enable Proxy.
The proxy is running, but it won't capture traffic until you start a proxy debug session.
After the proxy is running, you can start a proxy debug session. This is a time-bound session where captured traffic is saved in an entry in the History tab, and optionally into a collection. Once a proxy debug session begins, you can then pause, restart, or stop it. Before you start the session, you can select what traffic you want to go into it.
You can only have a single proxy or Interceptor debug session running at the same time.
To start a proxy debug session, do the following:
Go to the Via Proxy tab of the Capture requests window.
Select Save Responses for Requests to save each request's responses. They will be saved along with the captured requests.
In responses with a
that has images, audio, or video, the content is intercepted but not captured. The only information captured is response headers, time taken, and the status code.
Select Capture Cookies to capture cookies in addition to requests during the debug session.
You can also capture cookies and sync them to Postman without starting a debug session. Learn more about syncing cookies.
Requests are saved in a debug session in the History tab in the sidebar. Select Save requests to a collection and select a collection from the list to also save the requests there. To create a new collection in which to save requests, enter a name for the new collection and select Create.
If you save requests and responses to a collection, they're added chronologically by default. You can alternately group them in folders organized by domain name or endpoints. Under Organize requests by, select Domain name, Endpoints, or both. Your requests and responses are then organized in folders in the selected collection.
Under Configure Incoming Requests, there are more options you can use to limit the requests and responses captured:
Select Start Capture.
The proxy debug session is started, but it won't capture anything until a device is configured with the proxy.
Find the local IP address of the machine running the proxy:
On macOS, you can find the computer's IP address in System Preferences > Network. Select a network interface, and the IP address of your system will be shown on the right:
On Windows, select Start > Settings > Network & internet > Wi-Fi or Ethernet. Your IP address is listed under Properties.
Open the wireless settings of your client device and update the configuration of the network connection to use an HTTP Proxy. For example, in iOS:
In the Postman app, open the Proxy debug session window. Open the device's web browser or application and HTTP traffic will start passing through the app or the browser.
The broader development community has published some useful tutorials for setting up a proxy server on various operating systems:
While your capture session is running, the Proxy Debug Session window displays captured traffic as you use the browser or apps on the client device.
There are several controls you can use to limit, organize, and investigate traffic as it's captured:
When you select one or more requests from the list on the Requests tab, you can use the following controls:
When you select one or more cookies from the list on the Cookies tab, you can use the following controls:
The bottom right corner shows the total time of the capture session, along with the total size of captured traffic. If you want to temporarily stop the capture session, select Pause. To restart the session, select Resume.
When you're done with your debug session, select Stop in the lower right corner. This stops the session, and results of the debug session is saved in the History tab.
After stopping the session, the proxy is still running. Select Capture requests in the Postman footer, and you can either start another debug session, or select Disable proxy to turn off the proxy.
After completing a debug session, details from the session are located in the History tab, named Proxy debug session. When you open a saved debug session, the top header displays the session start time, total size, duration, and source.
The Overview tab displays summary graphs of the traffic captured in the session. You can select graphs summarizing traffic by method, domain, data mode, or return status code.
The Requests and Cookies tabs display requests, responses, and cookies, similar to the same tabs available during a capture session. The same options for searching, expanding, saving, and deleting items described in Step 4 are available. You can also add selected requests to a collection. Use the controls at the bottom of the table to limit the number of items per page and view the pages of results.
You can rename a proxy debug session by selecting the name at the top of the window and entering a new name. Select View more actions next to the debug session name to rename or delete the session.
To also capture HTTPS data from your client devices, you'll need to add a certificate to the client. See Capturing HTTPS traffic for more details.
Last modified: 2025/01/25
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