Manage public elements in Postman

Manage public elements is available on Postman Enterprise plans.

The Manage public elements dashboard gives you a central place to control what collections are shared outside of your team for public consumption. You need to have a Community Manager or Super Admin team role in enterprise organizations to view and manage everything that’s made public by your team, including public collections links, public documentation, and public workspaces created by members of your team, all in one place.

To manage public elements, you need to have a Super Admin or Community Manager role in a Postman Enterprise plan. Use the dashboard to manage what collections your team has exposed for public consumption and for information about specific links. You can also delete links to collections you feel shouldn't be public.

To access the Manage public elements dashboard, select Team in the header, then select Manage Public Elements.


In the dashboard's Workspaces tab, you have access to all the public workspaces created by your team. You can also view and respond to requests to make workspaces public. Along with workspace name, the request date and the requester details are displayed.

To respond to the request, hover over the relevant line, then select Respond. Approve the request to convert the workspace into a public workspace.

Convert to public workspaces

To learn more about workspaces, see Creating workspaces and Managing workspaces. For more details on how to create a public workspace, visit Public workspaces.

Public documentation

The dashboard's Documentation tab displays all the collections with published documentation. Use the search box to filter by the publisher. Along with the collection name and environment name, you can view the date the documentation was published on, who published it, and the documentation URL.

You can also view and respond to requests to make documentation public. To approve or deny a publish request, hover over a request and select Review Request. Select Approve to publish the documentation and make it public, or select Deny to keep the documentation private.

Responding to publish requests

Sharing collection JSON files using a public link has been deprecated. No new links can be generated and existing links can't be modified or edited. Users can still access any existing collection JSON links.

To share a collection in JSON format, you can use the Postman API. To learn more, see Share using the Postman API.

The dashboard's Collection JSON Links tab displays all the collections with existing JSON links.

As a Community Manager or Super Admin, you can view or delete a collection JSON link. In addition to the collection name, the dashboard displays more information about the date the link was updated on, who updated the link, and the JSON link.

Collection access keys

The dashboard's Collection Access Keys tab displays your team's collection access keys. You can view which collection a key belongs to, the date of its creation, and who created it. To revoke a key, hover over the key and select Delete.

If you turn off the Allow creation of Collection Access Keys setting, this prevents users from creating new collection access keys.

The Collection Access Keys tab

Select Revoke All Keys to remove all of the team's existing keys. If you select this, a warning appears.

Revoking a team's keys

In the warning, select Revoke All Keys to confirm. To cancel, select Keep All Keys or close the window.

Revoking collection access keys is permanent. You won't be able to undo this action.

Last modified: 2023/06/15