Resources about APIs and Postman

If you're starting to learn about APIs and Postman, you can use a variety of resources both in and outside Postman.

Public workspaces

Explore workspaces, collections, and more that you can try out inside Postman, like the following:

Postman Academy

Postman Academy is a learner's one-stop shop, regardless of skill level! Follow along to video-based learning paths and assess your skills with quizzes and hands-on challenges.

Collection templates

Collections icon When you see a box like this in the Learning Center docs, it has a link to a collection template. Select Use Template on the overview page to copy it to your workspace and try it out!

Quick Help

If you have a quick question about something in the Postman app, look for "learn more" help link or the information icon Information icon in the Workbench. These will open context-sensitive help from the Postman Learning Center in a side pane in the Postman app.

You can open Quick Help in your web browser with the Open in icon Open in icon.

Last modified: 2023/07/31