Contribute to forked collections and environments in Postman

When you have made the changes that you want to a forked collection or environment, you can create a pull request. Creating a pull request means that you want to merge the changes you made in the forked element (the source) into the parent element (the destination). As part of the pull request process, you will request that reviewers look at your changes. Reviewers can make comments on your changes and will decide whether to approve them and merge them into the parent element.

Creating pull requests

The pull request process isn't available for Flows.

  1. Hover over the element in the sidebar.

  2. Select the more actions icon More actions icon next to its name.

  3. Select Create pull request.

    Create Pull Request
  4. Select Changes to review the changes in the pull request.

    Pull Request Changes
    • If the parent element has any changes since you last updated your fork, you can pull those changes into your fork before merging.

    • If there are any conflicts between the fork and the parent element, Postman highlights them so that you can resolve them.

  5. Select Overview.

  6. Enter a title and description for your pull request, and select up to 50 reviewers and user groups from the dropdown list. Reviewers and user groups must have Editor access for the element to merge your changes.

  7. Select Create Pull Request.

    Create Pull Request

Postman notifies the reviewers you selected about your pull request. You will receive a notification if the reviewers comment on, approve, or merge the pull request.

A reviewer or group must have the Editor role for the element to merge changes. If you add a user or group that doesn't have Editor access as a reviewer, there will be a warning icon next to the name. Reviewers and groups with the Viewer role can approve PRs, but can't merge PRs.

Reviewer permission

Creating public pull requests

To create a pull request on a public collection or environment, you must fork the parent element into a public workspace so that the users or groups you ask to review it have access to it.

To create a public pull request, do the following:

  1. Begin the pull request process described in Creating pull requests. A note tells you to move the source element to a public workspace.

  2. Select Move Collection or Move Environment.

    Make the source collection public
  3. Select the public workspace where you want to move the fork.

  4. Select Move Collection or Move Environment.

    Move the source collection
  5. After you move the fork to a public workspace, proceed with the workflow in Creating pull requests.

Pull request settings

Pull request settings are available on Postman Professional and Enterprise plans.

Pull request settings let you manage permissions for reviewers and assign merge checks.

Manage reviewer permissions

  1. Hover over the element in the sidebar.

  2. Select the more actions icon More actions icon next to its name.

  3. Select Manage roles.

    Collection Manage Roles
  4. Select Editor for the users and groups you want to give Editor access to.

    Manage Roles
  5. Select Update Roles.

Assign merge checks

For collections, you can assign merge checks before approving changes.

There are two different types of checks that you can enable for a pull request:

  • Approved once - You need at least one approval to merge the pull request.
  • Approved by a collection editor - You need the approval of a user who has Editor access for the collection to merge the pull request.

To set merge checks for pull requests on a specific collection, do the following:

  1. Hover over the collection in the sidebar.
  2. Select the more actions icon More actions icon next to its name.
  3. Select Manage roles.
  4. Select the merge checks that you want to set for the collection.
Merge Check

If the merge conditions for a pull request aren't met, the option to Merge it into the parent collection will be inactive.

Merge option isn't active

For information about the pull request's merge conditions, select View Merge Conditions.

Merge Condition

Last modified: 2022/11/17