Generate and use Postman API keys

The use of the Postman API requires authentication.

Generate a Postman API key

You need a valid Postman API key to send requests to the Postman API.

  1. Open your API Keys page. Select your avatar in the Postman header, then select Settings. Then select API keys.

  2. If you do not have a key you will be prompted to create one. Select Generate API Key.

    Generate API Key
  3. Enter a name for your key and select Generate API Key.

  4. Copy your key.

    Copy your API key

Once you generate your API keys you can manage them in your workspace. Select the more actions icon More actions icon next to a key to regenerate, rename, or delete it.

View your API keys

Use API key settings to specify expiration periods for your keys.

API key settings

Enterprise teams can manage Postman API keys at scale with the Postman API key management dashboard. To learn more, see Managing API keys.

Use your Postman API key

After you have a Postman API key, you must authenticate your requests to the Postman API by sending your API key in the X-Api-Key header of every request you make. Your API key provides access to any Postman data you have permissions for.

You can store your API key in a variable. If you name it postman-api-key, the Postman API collection will use it automatically.

Generate a collection access key

With a collection access key you can securely grant other users read-only access to a single collection. You will generate a new collection access key every time you share a collection using the Postman API. To learn more, see Sharing using the Postman API.

Your API keys page displays all of your generated keys in the Collection access keys section. This section includes information about which collection the key belongs to, who created the key, and when it was created. This section also displays any collection access keys created by other members of the team that you are currently logged in to.

To revoke a collection access key, select Delete.

Deleting collection access keys

Last modified: 2024/01/25