Customize request order in a collection run

Typically when you start a collection run, Postman runs all requests in the same order they appear in your collection. Requests in folders are executed first, followed by any requests in the root of the collection.

In the Collection Runner, you have the option to change the order of the requests before starting a run. However, instead of manually changing the request order each time you run the collection, you can automate this behavior using the pm.execution.setNextRequest() function.

As the name suggests, pm.execution.setNextRequest() enables you to specify which request Postman runs next, following the current request. Using this function, you can build custom workflows that chain requests, running them one after the other in a specific order.

Setting the next request

Setting the next request

To specify the request to run next, add the following code on the Post-response tab of a request. Replace request_name with the name of the request you want to run next.


Postman runs the specified request after completing the current request.

Looping over a request

If you pass the name of the current request to the setNextRequest function, Postman will run the current request repeatedly.

Looping over a request

Important! Make sure to wrap setNextRequest in some extra logic so the request doesn't loop indefinitely. For example, you might exit the loop after a certain number of iterations or when another condition is met. Otherwise you will need to force close the Collection Runner to end the loop.

Stopping a workflow

To stop a workflow, add the following code on the Post-response tab of a request:


The collection run will stop after Postman completes the current request.

You can also skip the execution of a request from the Pre-request tab using the pm.execution.skipRequest method. Learn more about skipping request execution from pre-request scripts.

Tips for building request workflows

Keep the following tips in mind when using the pm.execution.setNextRequest() function.

Use setNextRequest() when you run an entire collection

The pm.execution.setNextRequest() function is intended for use when running a collection using the Collection Runner, the Postman CLI, or Newman. It has no effect when you run a request using Send.

Use setNextRequest() in pre-request or post-response scripts

You can use pm.execution.setNextRequest() in the pre-request script or the post-response script of a request. If more than one value is assigned, the last value that's set takes precedence.

Specify the next request using the request ID

A request’s name may change, but changing its name doesn’t change its ID. For this reason, it’s best to use the request ID when you specify the next request.

To get the request ID, use For example, run console.log( To learn more, see Scripting Workflows.

You can also get the request ID in Postman. Open the request and, from the right sidebar, select information Information icon. The request ID is prepended with your user ID (the first block of characters). Copy the request ID. For example, if the ID is 33664548-8de70c53-3f37-4570-a066-d1171451d11e, copy 8de70c53-3f37-4570-a066-d1171451d11e.

setNextRequest() always executes last

The pm.execution.setNextRequest() function is always executed at the end of the current request. If you put other code blocks anywhere in the pre-request script or post-response script after this function, the code blocks will still execute before pm.execution.setNextRequest().

setNextRequest() scope is limited to the collection

The scope of pm.execution.setNextRequest() is the source of your collection run.

  • If you run an entire collection, you can set any request in the collection as the next request, even requests inside folders.
  • If you run a folder, the scope of pm.execution.setNextRequest() is limited to that folder. In this case, you can set any request in the same folder as the next request, but not requests located in other folders or at the root of the collection.

Learn more about running collections or folders.

Next steps

After learning about how to build request workflows, you can write some scripts.

Last modified: 2024/06/24