The Postman Private API Network

The Private API Network is available on Postman Enterprise plans. Adding APIs to the Private API Network requires the API Builder add-on.

The Private API Network provides a central directory of workspaces, collections, and APIs your team uses internally. Your Postman team can access these resources and start using them right away. By using the Private API Network, you can enable developers across your organization to discover, consume, and track API development in one place.

Workspaces, collections, and APIs in the Private API Network are visible to logged-in users who are on your Postman team. Users who aren't on your team can't find or access these resources.

Super Admins and API Network Managers can manage all folders and elements in your Private API Network. You can assign team members the Folder Manager role at the folder level, giving them permission to manage specific folders and the elements in them.

Private API Network overview

You can use the Private API Network to learn about workspaces, collections, and APIs shared within your team. In the left sidebar, you can browse a directory of elements shared within your team.

There are several ways to access the Private API Network:

  • Select Home from the Postman header, then select Private API Network in your team information on the left sidebar.
  • Select API Network from the Postman header, then select View internal APIs.
  • Select Search Postman in the header, change the scope to Private API Network, then enter your search terms.

Searching, filtering, and sorting

There are several ways to search, filter, and sort elements and folders in the Private API Network. You can select Home icon Home to sort popular elements in the network. You can select Search Postman in the header to enter search terms and filter the results. You can also select a folder to sort elements in it.

You can select Home icon Home in the left sidebar to discover popular and new elements added to the network. On the right, you can sort popular elements in the network by Week or Month. You can also review elements recently added to the network. Select Show more to review more elements in either category.

Private API Network discover elements

API Network Managers who are setting up the Private API Network might see a list of suggested elements on the right. Postman suggests adding these elements to the network because they're popular within your team, meaning your team might benefit from having them in the Private API Network. To add a suggested element to the network, select Add.

Private API Network suggested elements

Search for elements in the network

You can search and filter elements in the network. Select Search Postman in the header, change the scope to Private API Network, then enter your search terms. If you're in the Private API Network, the scope will be automatically set to Private API Network. You can also specify the element you'd like to search for: Workspaces, Collections, Requests, APIs, or Folders. You can select Enter or select an element's name in the search results to open it in the network. To learn more about searching in Postman, see Search Postman.

Search the Private API Network

Then you can filter elements with the following options:

  • To filter by element type, select Element type, then select Workspaces, Collections, APIs, Request, or Folder.
  • To filter by tags added to collections, APIs, or workspaces, select Search tags, then select tags. You can't filter by tags on Request or Folder element types. Learn more about adding tags to collections, APIs, and workspaces.
  • To filter by an element's location in a folder in the left sidebar, select Location, then select the folder or subfolder. When you filter by a folder, your search results return elements in the folder and its subfolders. To filter by all elements in the network, including elements not organized in folders, don't filter by an element's location.
Filter and search the Private API Network

Sort elements in a folder

You can sort elements in a folder and its subfolders. To sort elements, select a folder or subfolder in the left sidebar, then select the Sort by dropdown list. The options are:

  • Recently added - Sort elements by the date they were added.
  • A to Z - Sort elements alphabetically.
  • Trending this week - Sort elements by your team's usage this week.
  • Trending this month - Sort elements by your team's usage this month.
Sort elements in a folder

Reviewing details about elements

To review information about workspaces, collections, and APIs, select it from the left sidebar. On the right, you can view its description and the editors who have worked on it. You can view the following details:

  • For workspaces, you can view all of the collections and APIs inside them.
  • For collections, you can view available documentation. In the documentation, you can select Try Request next to a request or Try Example next to an example to open it in a new tab. To learn more about trying an example, see Try an example.
  • For APIs, you can view API definitions and associated API documentation. You can also view collections added to the API.

    If you published an API with an API definition that has syntax errors, your API documentation might not display as expected. To learn more about viewing syntax errors, see Viewing syntax errors in your API definition.

You can also open the element in its workspace. Select an element from the left sidebar, and then select either View in Workspace or Open Workspace in the upper-right corner.

Sharing folders and elements

You can share links to folders and individual elements with other team members. Select the more actions icon More actions icon next to a folder or element, then select Copy link. This copies the link to your clipboard. You can then share the link with team members.

You can also select a folder or element in the sidebar. Then select Link icon Copy link in the upper-right corner.

Watching and forking elements

You can watch workspaces, collections, and APIs from the Private API Network. You can also fork collections from the Private API Network.

To watch a workspace, collection, or API and get notified about any changes, select an element in the left sidebar, then select Watch icon Watch in the upper-right corner. To learn more about watch notifications, see Watching a workspace, Watching a collection, and Watching APIs.

To fork a collection, select a collection in the left sidebar, then select Fork icon Fork in the upper-right corner. To learn more about forking collections, see Forking Postman elements.

Private API Network reports

The report feature makes it easier to govern your internal API landscape through deeper insights into APIs in your Private API Network.

To view Private API Network reports, select Home from the Postman header, then select Reports on the left side.

To learn more about reports, see About reports.

Last modified: 2023/09/15