Postman collaboration features enable you to build your APIs as a team and collaborate on APIs with business partners and developers across the planet. With Postman's many API collaboration capabilities, you can organize, share, comment on, announce, and publish your work.
In Postman, organize your API projects using workspaces to group together related APIs, collections, environments, flows, and other elements. Work on your project in an internal workspace where your teammates can share their feedback and contribute. You can start a project in your own workspace and then change permissions to collaborate with others.
You can work on your API project in a Partner Workspace to collaborate with your external partners.
API requests are grouped into collections in Postman. This enables you to organize related requests and workflows together. To begin organizing your requests into collections, create a collection, then add requests to your collection. You can also create a collection from a predefined template if you want help getting started.
Use the API Builder to create and collaborate on API definitions in Postman. The API Builder enables you to connect your various Postman elements, such as collections and documentation, to your API definition. To begin organizing your API definition and Postman elements in your API, create an API, create or import an API definition, then add elements to your API.
With types in collections, you can add more details to your HTTP request parameters, headers, and bodies to design your API with the Postman Collection format. Define properties, such as type and possible values, that match your API definition. Details and properties also appear in the collection's documentation. Adding more details to your collection can help others better understand your API and send valid API requests.
Spec Hub enables you to create and collaborate on API specifications in Postman. Design your API's structure in an OpenAPI 3.0 or AsyncAPI 2.0 specification. To get started, create a new API specification or import an existing API specification. Then you can generate a collection from the API specification. When you make changes to the API specification, you can update the generated collection with your latest changes.
Learn more about the Postman elements you can use to organize and document an API project in your workspace.
You can invite team members or user groups to your workspace and assign them workspace roles. If your teammates don't need Admin or Editor access for all elements in your workspace, you can assign them elevated permissions for element-based roles only, such as collection or environment roles. Learn more about managing access to workspaces and elements.
You can share Postman elements with team members in Postman or by sending team members a link to the element. You can also share collections with guest users who aren't in your Postman team.
Learn more about sharing collections and sharing APIs in Postman.
To enhance your team's collaboration, use comments to collaborate on API projects in Postman. Discuss your work with teammates in comments to improve your API's design. Report issues with comments and fix issues others have encountered while using your APIs.
Use global comments to share general feedback about a Postman element. Use inline comments to share feedback about specific items, such as text within a query parameter or code in a pre-request script.
You can reply to comments, and resolve comments that have been addressed. You can also mention a teammate in a comment to share questions or feedback with them.
Learn about commenting on APIs in the Postman API Builder.
You can post workspace updates to keep your team aware of changes to your APIs. Workspace updates enable team members to respond and react to your posts, encouraging engagement in your workspace. In your update, you can add a title, a detailed description, links to related Postman elements, and more.
You can view changelogs for collections and APIs in your team. This enables you to view all the changes made by team members as you collaborate on your API projects. You can use the changelog to revert changes to a collection, and restore it to an earlier point in time.
To track who's making changes to your team and its elements, you can view and filter your team's workspace activity feed. If you'd like to automatically share activity feed updates through your organization's communication tool, you can integrate Postman with Slack or Microsoft Teams.
Publish APIs internally to your team's Private API Network to collaborate with your Postman teammates. This enables your teammates to discover and contribute to your team's workspaces, APIs, and collections all in one place. Learn how to add elements to your team's Private API Network.
Publish APIs to the Postman API Network to share and collaborate with the Postman community. Learn more about the benefits of the Postman API Network. To publish to the Postman API Network, create a public workspace with the elements you want to share. You can also convert an existing working to a public workspace.
Your teammates and API consumers can build on and contribute to your APIs using Postman's version control. Collaborators can fork collections, environments, and flows to their own workspace. They can build on forked elements in their own workspace, or create a pull request to contribute to your public collections and environments.
Last modified: 2024/09/13