If you're tagged as a reviewer on a pull request, you can view the changes, comment, approve or decline the request, and merge the forked collection or environment into the parent element.
To access the list of pull requests, go to the element and select Pull Requests in the right sidebar. Each item shows the pull request's status, which will be
for any that haven't been merged or declined. Select a pull request's name to open it.
When you're tagged as a reviewer on a pull request, Postman notifies you when a team member creates a pull request:
If you create a pull request and make changes to it from the same Postman account, you won't receive any notifications about changes made to the pull request.
When you review a pull request, it's important to understand the changes that the pull request will introduce into the parent collection or environment.
In the pull request, view the difference (diff) between the fork and the parent element under the Changes heading.
The diff will tell you whether a change is an addition, a deletion, or a modification.
Use inline comments to comment on a change in a pull request.
You can learn more about commenting.
You can edit a pull request's details before approving it, or you can decline it.
To edit the pull request details, do the following:
If you don't want to merge the pull request into the parent element, you can decline it. You can't reopen a pull request that you have declined, so if you want to request edits or offer feedback, add a comment instead.
To decline the pull request, do the following:
If you're tagged as a reviewer on a pull request, you can approve the pull request.
To approve a pull request, select Approve.
If you need to revoke your approval, select Unapprove.
After you approve the pull request, its status in the list of pull requests is APPROVED
You can keep your forked collections and environments up to date with any changes to the parent element, for example if another team member has merged changes into the parent element.
Create the pull request. Postman will warn you that the parent element has changed since you last updated it.
Select Pull Changes to update your fork with the changes to the parent element.
Review the diff and select Pull changes.
To pull updates from a parent element without opening a pull request, see Pull updates from a parent element.
When you're ready to add the changes from a pull request, you'll merge them into the parent collection or environment. After the requested reviewer approves a pull request, you can merge it into the parent element.
From the approved pull request, select Merge.
If the parent element has any changes since you last updated your fork, you can pull those changes before merging.
Select one of the following merge options:
Select Merge.
To merge changes from a fork without opening a pull request, see Merge changes from a fork.
A merge conflict happens when you try to merge changes into an updated parent element and Postman isn't able to automatically resolve the differences between the two. If there's a conflict when you try to merge a pull request, you'll need to decide how you want to resolve them before continuing.
Merge conflicts can involve changes in more than one workspace.
To resolve a merge conflict from a pull request, do the following:
Begin the pull request process described in Creating pull requests.
Select Changes to review the changes in the merge conflict.
Select Resolve Conflicts to resolve merge conflicts between the fork and parent element.
You can also select Pull the changes for any conflict.
For each conflict, choose the version you want to include when you merge. Select Keep Source to keep the change on the parent element. Select Keep Destination to keep the change on your fork. You can also select the version you want to keep for each conflict.
To keep all changes on your fork, select Keep all changes to source. To keep all changes on the parent element, select Keep all changes to destination.
After you resolve the conflicts, select Pull changes to pull the updates.
Last modified: 2024/05/07