View API development changelogs and team activity in Postman

Changelogs are available with Postman paid plans.

Postman maintains changelogs for collections, workspaces, and APIs. You can use the changelog to review create, update, transfer, and delete actions made by you and your team on private and shared elements. The changelog also enables you to revert changes to a collection and restore it to an earlier point in time.

To learn more about the API changelog in the Postman API Builder, see Use the changelog.

View collection activity

To review the changelog for a collection in Postman, open the collection and select History icon Changelog.

The changelog provides a chronological list of the collection's activities. You can view the time and date at which changes occurred, the users who made changes, and the affected parts of the collection.

Collection changelog

Postman groups changes made within several minutes of each other into sessions for readability. You can select a session in the changelog to review its changes.

Select View diff to view the collection's diff. If a diff is too large to view in the changelog, you can hover over the diff and select View more to open it in a new tab.

Collection changelog view changes

View workspace activity

You can access the activity feed in Postman. The activity feed shows information about who added or removed collections, environments, or elements from the workspace, and users that join or leave the workspace. You can filter this information directly within the activity feed.

You can also view who's active in your workspace.

Access the activity feed from Postman

To access the activity feed in Postman, select the workspace's Overview tab. Select Options icon View more actions > Activity log to review the events that have occurred in the workspace.

Filter the activity feed

Filtering the activity feed enables you to display information directly instead of having to scroll through the feed. You can choose to filter by user or by the Postman element. Select Reset filters to clear the filters from the activity feed.

  • Filtering by a user displays the actions that user carried out. To filter by user, select People in the activity feed and select users. You can search for a specific user by entering their name in the search field.

    The user list only shows users that are part of the workspace, not all team members.

  • Filtering by element displays the actions carried out on the selected element type. The available elements are Workspace, API, Collection, Environment, Monitor, and Mock servers. To filter by element, select Elements at the top of the activity feed and select elements. You can search for an element by entering its name in the search field.

You can access the changelog of a specific collection by selecting View Changelog next to actions on collections.

Hide diffs in the changelog

If you have an Editor role for a collection, you can hide specific actions in its changelog. When you hide a changelog entry's diff, users who don't have Editor permissions on the collection can't view that diff in the changelog. This enables you to protect sensitive data in a public collection.

Select Options icon View more actions for the changelog entry, then select Hide diff for this change.

Hide a diff in the changelog

To restore the visibility of a diff, select Options icon View more actions for the changelog entry, then select Show diff to all users. Once you restore the visibility of a diff, all users can view it in the changelog.

Restore the visibility of a diff in the changelog

Restore collections

You can use the changelog to restore a collection to an earlier point in time.

To restore a collection from the changelog, do the following:

  1. Select a session to expand it.

  2. Select Options icon View more actions next to the change you'd like to restore your collection to, then select Restore to this change.

    Restore from changelog

Restoring a collection from the changelog reverts it to the point after your selected change occurred.

If you'd like to restore a deleted collection, see Recovering a deleted collection.

Export team activity to other platforms

With a Postman Basic, Professional, or Enterprise account, you can send team activity feeds to external communication channels:

Next steps

Last modified: 2024/07/24