Use Postman workspaces

Use workspaces to organize your work in Postman and collaborate with teammates (or the world). Learn how to access, tag, and watch a workspace. You can also check the workspace activity and see who's interacting with your workspace.

To learn how to make a new workspace, go to Create a workspace in Postman. For more information about workspace management, see Manage Postman workspaces.

Access a workspace

When you first open Postman, you will be in your default personal workspace. You can create more workspaces for your personal use and to work with teammates. To create more workspaces, you need to sign in to your Postman account.

To open a workspace, select Workspaces in the Postman header. Select a workspace to open it, or select View all workspaces for a list of all available workspaces. This will only display workspaces that you have access to, based on the workspace visibility and your workspace role.

New Workspace

The workspace's Overview tab displays a description and summary of the workspace, and any pinned or featured collections. On the right, there is a list of workspace contributors and the option to view workspace activity.

Workspace overview

To learn more about access management, go to Request and approve access to Postman resources.

Tag a workspace

Tagging workspaces is available with Postman Enterprise plans.

You can apply shared tags to workspaces, collections, and APIs. Tags must be between two and 64 alphanumeric characters, starting with an alphabetical character, and contain only dashes and no spaces. You can add up to five tags. Adding shared tags to workspaces enables you to organize and search for workspaces.

Once you add tags to the workspace, you can select a tag to open search results associated with the tag in a new tab.

To learn more about searching using tag names in Postman, see Search Postman. You can use tags when searching elements in your Private API Network. You can also use tags to search for elements to add and elements to request to add to your Private API Network.

To add tags to a workspace, do the following:

  1. Select Workspaces in the Postman header, and then select a workspace.

  2. On the workspace's Overview tab, select the Tags field to edit it.

    Add tags to a workspace
  3. Select an existing tag or enter a new tag. If you're adding a new tag, enter the new tag name and press Enter.

    Add new tags to a workspace

Repeat these steps to add more tags.

To remove tags from a collection, do the following:

  1. Select Workspaces in the Postman header, and then select a workspace.

  2. On the workspace's Overview tab, select the Tags field to edit it.

  3. Select Close icon on the tag.

    Remove tags from a workspace
  4. Select the area outside the Tags field to save your changes.

Watch a workspace

Watch a workspace to receive an email or in-app notification when a team member modifies the workspace. This includes changing the workspace visibility or updating an element in the workspace.

To start watching a workspace, select View icon Watch in the workspace's Overview tab. Select the count next to Watch to access the list of people who are watching the workspace.

To access your notifications, select Notification icon Notifications in the Postman header. The notification list shows details about changes to workspaces you are watching. You will also receive an email with information about the change, who made it, and when.

To stop watching a workspace, select Unwatch in the workspace's Overview tab.

By default, you are a watcher for any workspace you create. You won't receive notifications for changes you make to a workspace you're watching.

You can also watch a collection and an API within a workspace to receive a notification when it's modified.

Pin collections to workspaces

You can pin collections to a personal, private, team, or Partner workspace for quick access on a workspace's Overview tab. If you don't have any collections pinned to your workspace, select Pin icon Pin Collections. Otherwise, select Add icon Add under Pinned collections. Then select the collection you'd like to pin.

Pinned collection in a workspace

You can choose an environment for each pinned collection you'd like to be active when it's opened from the Overview tab. The environment will be active in the environment selector.

If your workspace has pinned collections and you convert the workspace to a public workspace, the pinned collections will be publicly featured in the public workspace's Overview tab.

To remove a pinned collection, hover over the collection and select Close icon, then select Remove.

Feature collections in public workspaces

You can feature collections in a public workspace to give API consumers quick access to specific collections. On a public workspace's Overview tab under Featured collections, select Add icon Add, then select the collection you'd like to feature.

Featured collection in public workspace

You can choose an environment for each featured collection you'd like to be active when it's opened from the Overview tab. The environment will be active in the environment selector.

If you don't feature any collections in a public workspace, Postman will automatically feature popular collections in the public workspace.

To remove a featured collection, hover over the collection and select Close icon, then select Remove.

Get the workspace ID

Sometimes you'll need your workspace ID to perform different actions like copying a workspace or setting up an environment.

To copy a workspace ID, do the following:

  1. On the workspace's Overview tab, select Options icon Options and then select Workspace info.

  2. Select Copy icon Copy workspace ID. You can also view who created the workspace and when the workspace was last updated.

    Workspace ID

Check the workspace activity feed

You can track activities in a workspace from the activity log accessible from your workspace overview. To learn more, see View workspace activity.

View who is in your workspace

The list of avatars in the Postman header shows you who's active in your workspace. If you're in a private or team workspace, this list includes all active team members. The list also includes all team members who are inactive, but have visited the workspace before.

If you're in a public workspace, this list includes all active users with public profiles. It also includes users who've chosen to remain anonymous by not enabling their public profile.

Active users in public workspace

Last modified: 2024/09/25