During a performance test, requests that result in a response other than a 2xx status code are tracked as errors. You can view details about the top errors that occurred during the test and error trends over time. Use this information to gain insight into when errors are occurring and the possible causes.
You can view top errors on the Summary tab while the performance test is running or after the test is complete.
Hover over a point on the graph to view the top three errors at that point.
Select the Error rate to view the top errors for the entire test.
You can view error trends after the performance test is complete. The error trend shows the top five errors that occurred during the test and the frequency of those errors over time. This information can help you understand how error rates change in response to increased load on your API.
To view error trends, select the Errors tab. You can also select the Error rate on the Summary tab and select View Error Trends.
You can view the following information about the error trends:
From the Errors tab, you can take the following actions:
You can view details about errors that occurred during the performance test to help in the debugging process. The Errors tab shows the error classes that were encountered during the test and the number of times each error occurred.
Expand an error class below the graph to view all requests that encountered the error. For each request, you can view a list of unique responses (as determined by headers and body). Postman displays the 10 most common responses and shows a count of how often that response occurred.
Select a request to view details about it, including the response, headers, and request body. Use the controls on the Response tab to format, copy, or search within the response. Select the name of a request to open it.
Request and responses details for errors are persisted locally during your current Postman session and aren't saved permanently. If you close the current tab or quit Postman, request and response details will no longer be available. You will still be able to view error classes and error counts for requests.
Last modified: 2024/09/10