Test your API functionality

You can run Postman Collections to test and interact with your APIs. In Postman, a collection can be a group of saved requests, a workflow, or a test suite. When you run a collection, Postman sends some or all of the requests in the collection in the order you choose.

In Postman, you can run your collections in the following ways:

  • You can run collections manually with the Collection Runner. Running collections manually is useful when you're sending a small number of requests and don't need to repeat them on a regular schedule.

    You can also use the Postman VS Code extension to manually run collections in the same application you use to develop your APIs.

  • You can schedule collections to run automatically. Scheduled collection runs are useful for automating your API testing. Monitors are useful for checking your API's performance, availability, and reliability.

  • You can automate collection runs in your CI/CD pipeline with the Postman CLI or Newman.

  • You can use webhooks to trigger collection runs at certain times or when a specific event happens in your application.

You can also run collections to simulate real-world traffic and test the performance of your API under load.

Last modified: 2024/09/10