Connect your Postman account to Slack

Get the Postman app for Slack to connect your Postman account to Slack. Go to the Postman App for Slack in the Slack App Directory to get started.

The Postman app for Slack gives you more ways to collaborate with your team. You can share enhanced Postman links that you and your teammates can use to take action right in Slack. You can also connect a Postman workspace to Slack to get notified about team activity and communicate workspace updates.

Installing the Postman app for Slack enables the following features:

  • Automatically unfurl Postman URLs - Postman URLs shared in Slack unfurl into rich links that give more context about workspaces, collections, requests, and other Postman elements.
  • Perform Postman actions in Slack - Use rich links to take actions in Slack, like forking a collection or commenting on a request.
  • View workspace updates - Connect a Postman workspace to Slack and stay up to date on changes to requests, collections, and environments.

Install the Postman app for Slack

Once you install the Postman app for Slack, everyone in your Slack workspace can use the app.

  1. In your browser, make sure you're signed in to your Postman account.
  2. Go to the Postman App for Slack in the Slack App Directory.
  3. If you're not already signed in to Slack, select Sign In to Install and sign in with your email and password or SSO.
  4. Select Add to Slack.
  5. Select Allow to give Postman permission to view content and perform actions in Slack.

After installing the Postman app for Slack, when you share Postman links in Slack, they're automatically unfurled into rich links. Also, you can connect a Postman workspace to a Slack channel to send updates about workspace activity to Slack.

You may need to be a Workspace Owner in Slack, or get approval from a Workspace Owner, to install the Postman app for Slack. If you lack the necessary permissions in Slack, you can request the app from your Slack Workspace Admin or Org Admin.

After installing the Postman app for Slack, Postman links that you share in Slack are automatically unfurled into rich links. Postman supports rich links for elements such as workspaces, collections, folders, requests, examples, environments, and comments. Postman also supports rich links for HTTP responses.

When you share a Postman link, Slack displays extra information such as the name and type of element and who last updated it. Also, Slack displays options to take action with the element, such as adding a comment, or watching or forking a collection.

Link unfurling isn't available for Postman links shared from workspaces restricted only to you. Change access to your workspace to collaborate in Slack.

Slack rich links

Postman also supports rich links for HTTP responses. Slack displays extra information such as the request URL and response code when you share a Postman link. Slack displays the response body for Postman links shared from team workspaces. For links shared from private or Partner workspaces, Slack doesn't display the response body and you must open Postman to view it. Learn how to share a response.

Link unfurling for HTTP responses isn't available for Postman links shared from workspaces restricted only to you. Change access to your workspace to collaborate on responses in Slack.

Slack rich links response

If the element or HTTP response includes sensitive data, be aware that it might be visible to collaborators you share with in Slack. Make sure to consider the sensitivity of data when deciding which collaborators you share with. Postman recommends checking your organization's policies to understand what qualifies as sensitive data.

You can remove the preview from your message if you're concerned about the data that's shared when a link unfurls.

Connect a Postman workspace to Slack

You can connect a Postman workspace to a Slack channel. Once connected, Postman will send updates to the Slack channel when a request, collection, or environment is added, changed, or deleted in the workspace. Each update in Slack includes options you can use to take action, such as adding a comment, or watching or forking a collection.

You can connect internal workspaces to Slack. You can't connect other types of Postman workspaces. Learn more about changing workspace visibility.

To connect a Postman workspace to Slack, do the following:

  1. In Postman, open the workspace you want to connect to Slack.

  2. Select Slack icon Teams icon Connect in the workspace overview.

    If the workspace Overview tab isn't visible, select the workspace name in the sidebar.

  3. Select Add icon next to Slack icon Connect a Slack channel.

    Connect a workspace to Slack

  4. A browser tab opens asking you to sign in to Slack. Select Continue, then enter your Slack workspace URL and sign in with your email or SSO.

  5. Select Allow to give Postman permission to view content and perform actions in Slack. Close the tab to continue in Postman.

    You may need approval from an App Manager (Slack Workspace Admin) to add the integration. Enter a message for the App Manager and select Submit.

  6. In Postman, configure the integration with Slack:

    • If you're authenticated with more than one Slack workspace, select the Slack Workspace you want to use.
    • Start typing in the Channel box to search for the Slack channel you want to send updates to, then select the channel when it appears in the list. Selecting a private channel will add the Postman bot to that channel.
    • Select the notifications you want to get in Slack. You can get notifications when someone posts a workspace update or adds, edits, or deletes a request, collection, or environment in your Postman workspace.
  7. Select Connect.

    Configure the connection to Slack

Edit a Postman workspace's connection to Slack

To make changes to the connection between a Postman workspace and Slack, open the workspace's overview and select the Slack icon Slack icon. Then select the edit icon Edit icon next to Slack icon Slack.

Edit the connection to Slack

You can change the Slack workspace, connected Slack channel, or the notifications you want to get in Slack. Select Save Changes to update the integration.

To remove the connection between the Postman workspace and Slack, select Disconnect. You can add the connection again later if you want.

Remove the Postman app for Slack

If you no longer want to use the Postman app for Slack, you can remove it for everyone in your Slack workspace.

  1. Go to the Postman App for Slack in the Slack App Directory.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. Scroll down and select Remove App.

Last modified: 2024/10/18