You can connect Postman to your API workflows with integrations for popular third-party solutions. Integrations enable you to automatically share data between Postman and the other tools you rely on for API development, such as GitHub, Slack, CircleCI, Amazon API Gateway, and New Relic.
You can use Postman integrations to do the following:
For a list of all third-party solutions you can integrate with Postman, go to Available Postman integrations.
Integrations are available with Postman team plans. If you are on a Free individual plan, create a new team to get started with integrations. The maximum number of integrations you can use is determined by your Postman plan. Learn more about what's included with each plan.
To view available integrations, select Integrations on the Postman Home page, then select Browse All Integrations. On the Browse Integrations page, search and select the tool or service you want to integrate with.
Each integration's page explains how to use the integration and what it can do. Depending on the tool or service you're integrating with, more than one integration may be available. Select Add Integration next to the integration you want to add. Enter your account authorization details and any other required information to complete the setup process.
You can view the integrations that have been configured for your team from the Browse Integrations page. Search and select the tool or service you want to view integrations for. Select View or View All next to an integration to view any integrations that have already been configured.
You can also view integrations that have been configured for a collection or monitor. Open the collection or monitor, and then select the information icon
in the right sidebar to view any configured integrations.
Select a configured integration to view more details. From here you can take the following actions:
Adding an integration requires you to authenticate with the third-party app or service you are connecting to Postman. For supported integrations, you can store the authorization details in an installed app. Anyone on your team can then use the installed app to add a new integration, instead of authenticating with their own credentials.
Learn more about adding and using installed apps in integrations.
You must allowlist a static IP address to enable integrations and custom webhooks that access hosted (private) networks. Static IP support is available for the following integrations:
Contact your IT team to allowlist the following static IP in your firewall:
Once you allowlist this IP address, collection backup integrations and custom webhooks will be able to connect to your private network.
DNS records use the public IP address for instances that are behind a firewall or that can't be accessed on the internet.
Postman integrates with some of the most widely used continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. After you set up a CI integration for your API, you can view the status of builds or start a new build, all from within Postman. You can also run API tests created in Postman as part of your CI pipeline.
To learn more about how CI integrations work, and for detailed configuration steps, go to CI integrations.
Last modified: 2023/12/19