Use your AI request to interact with an AI model

You interact with an AI model with two kinds of prompts: a user prompt and a system prompt.

A user prompt is an individual request made within the context of an ongoing conversation, such as a question or instruction. For example, "When did Postman's founders found the company" or "List Postman's best collaboration features".

A system prompt sets the parameters and overall context for the entire conversation. For example, "Respond like you're Cooper the dog—Postman's official mascot. You're friendly and helpful."

As you interact with the AI model, it returns a response. Postman adds your prompt and its response to your conversation.

Interact with the AI model

To interact with the AI model, do the following:

  1. Choose an existing AI request or create a new one.
  2. Enter your user prompt.
  3. (Optional) Enter or edit your system prompt.
  4. Select Send.
  5. Repeat these steps to add to your conversation.

Postman adds your Message (user prompt) and the Response to the open conversation. In the conversation, you can view the user prompt and response details for each interaction.

Each response includes a response code, response time (in milliseconds), response payload size (in kilobytes), token count, and timestamp.

To view the user prompt details for an individual interaction, select Down Large icon next to your user prompt. Depending on the conversation and interaction, you may see the System Prompt, Context (such as past interactions), and Settings (which you can edit for future interactions).

Manage your conversations

You can rename and delete your conversations, and create new ones.

Important: Conversations aren't saved and won't be available after you close an AI request. If you want to preserve your conversations, keep the AI request open.

Rename your conversation

To rename your conversation, do the following:

  1. If you have more than one conversation, and the conversation you want to rename isn't open, select History icon History next to your conversation's name and select the conversation you want to rename.
  2. Select your conversation's name and rename your conversation.
  3. Select the Return or Enter key.

Delete your conversation

To delete your conversation, do the following:

  1. Select History icon History next to your conversation's name.
  2. Hover over your conversation's name.
  3. Select Options icon and then select Delete.

Create a new conversation

To create a new conversation, do the following.

  1. Select History icon History next to your conversation's name.
  2. Select Add icon.
  3. (Optional) Rename your conversation.

Last modified: 2025/01/22