Manage your AI request settings

You can edit your AI request authorization details and adjust the settings that influence how you interact with the model.

Edit your request authorization details

To edit your request authorization details, do the following:

  1. Choose an existing AI request or create a new one.
  2. Select the Authorization tab.
  3. Select an Auth Type.
  4. Edit your authorization details.

To learn more, see Add API authorization details to requests in Postman.

Adjust your request settings

Your AI request settings are specific to the AI model and the AI model provider, though some settings (such as temperature) are common across many models.

To better understand each setting, read the setting's description or visit the AI model provider's website for more information.

To adjust your request settings, do the following:

  1. Choose an existing AI request or create a new one.
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. Adjust your request settings.

Last modified: 2025/01/22