Get started on your API publisher journey by preparing and curating your publisher team, workspaces, and collections for the Postman API Network. When you're ready to publish your APIs, you'll make your workspace a public, and give API consumers access to your public APIs.
Get your publisher team verified by Postman and earn a verification badge next to your team's name. A verification badge communicates trust to API consumers—and helps you stand out.
To learn more, see Prepare and verify your publisher team for the Postman API Network.
Your public workspace is where API consumers find your public APIs, learn what they're capable of, and can fork your public collections to their workspace. To get started, create a workspace and invite team members to it.
To learn more, see Prepare your public workspace for the Postman API Network.
First, you'll create an API reference collection. Then, you'll create another collection that serves as a starting point for your API consumers. When you publish your public APIs, you can invite your API consumers to fork these collections.
To learn more, see Prepare your public collections for the Postman API Network.
It's not enough to add requests to your collections. API consumers expect well-curated collections that introduce your public APIs to them, communicate their capabilities, and deliver a great developer experience.
To learn more, see Curate your public collections for the Postman API Network.
It's good practice to draft your next release in a nonpublic space, where you can collaborate with, and get reviews from, your team. When your next iteration is ready for the public, you can merge a pull request to share your latest changes with your API consumers.
To learn more, see Prepare your team workspace for team collaboration.
Last modified: 2025/03/26