Install the Postman CLI

You can download and install the Postman CLI manually or programmatically (with a script or the command line).

System requirements

The Postman CLI supports the same operating system requirements as the Postman desktop app. For a complete list of system requirements, see Installing and updating Postman.

Windows installation

Run the following commands to install the Postman CLI for Windows. This will download an install script and run it. The install script creates a %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps directory if it doesn't exist yet, then installs a postman binary there.

powershell.exe -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))"

Mac (Apple silicon) installation

Run the following command to install the Postman CLI for Macs with an Apple silicon processor. This will download an install script and run it. The install script creates a /usr/local/bin directory if it doesn't exist yet, then installs a postman binary there.

curl -o- "" | sh

Mac (Intel) installation

Run the following command to install the Postman CLI for Macs with Intel chips. This will download an install script and run it. The install script creates a /usr/local/bin directory if it doesn't exist yet, then installs a postman binary there.

curl -o- "" | sh

Linux installation

Run the following command to install the Postman CLI for the latest Linux version. This will download an install script and run it. The install script creates a /usr/local/bin directory if it doesn't exist yet, then installs a postman binary there.

curl -o- "" | sh

Update your CLI installation

To update your Postman CLI installation to the latest version, run the same command you used to install. The new version will overwrite the earlier version.

Last modified: 2024/05/10