The Create Variable block

Create Variable block

The Create Variable block defines a variable and assigns it a specific value. The variable can then be accessed by one or more Get Variable blocks from anywhere in the Flow. The variable's value comes from the block that's connected to the Create Variable block's input port. For example, you could connect a String or Number block's output port to the Create Variable block's input port. Whatever text or value you enter in the String or Number block will be assigned to the variable. You could also connect a Send Request block to a Create Variable block to assign the request's response data to the variable.


Variable (number) - Accepts the following from a connected block:

  • Text
  • A number
  • JSON data
  • A boolean value
  • A list
  • An image

This input port can connect to only one block.


Select the variable's name to edit it. If one or more corresponding Get Variable blocks exist in the Flow, their names will update automatically.


To see the Create Variable block in an example Flow, check out Flow Snippets: Variables.

Last modified: 2024/08/23