The Record block

Record block

The Record block creates structured key-value data from data it gets from inserted data blocks. The Record block is useful for organizing and managing data in your flow, enabling you to combine multiple pieces of data into a single, structured record.


When you create a Record block, it has no input port by default. But if you insert a Select block into the Record block, an input port appears next to the Select block. You can then connect another block's output port to it, so the Select block can specify which data to extract.


The output port sends a structured data set defined by the Record block's keys and their corresponding values.


Select the Add data blocks icon Add data blocks icon to insert a block into the Record block. Enter or select a value in the inserted block, then select key and enter a name for the key.


To see the Record block in an example flow, check out Flow Snippets: Record.

You can insert the following blocks into the Record block to provide values for the Record block's key-value pairs:

You can insert the Record block into the following blocks:

Last modified: 2024/08/23