The Validate block

Validate block

The Validate block is a logical gate that checks incoming JSON data against a schema and routes the data based on the result. If the JSON data conforms to the schema, it's routed through the Pass output port. If the JSON doesn't conform to the schema, it's routed through the Fail output port. You can create your own schema in the Validate block or generate one automatically based on existing JSON data.


Data - Connect this input port to any block that sends JSON data. The Validate block checks the data it receives against a JSON schema.


Pass - Sends the received JSON data if it conforms to the schema.

Fail - Sends the received JSON data if it doesn't conform to the schema.


To create a JSON schema, select Generate from example and paste valid JSON data into the text box, then select Generate schema. Alternatively, select Define custom schema to manually enter a JSON schema.

Connect the Data input port to the output port of a block that sends JSON data. The Validate block checks the incoming data against its schema.

Select Docs to learn about JSON schemas.

Last modified: 2025/03/19