You can build a flow that loops over a list. For example, you can run a flow that loops over a list of email addresses and emails each person in the list.
This tutorial's goal is to teach you how to set up and use list-based loops. To achieve this goal, you'll build a flow that iterates over the first three letters of the alphabet.
You build flows in a workspace. Workspaces let you organize your API projects and collaborate with your team.
To create a new flow, do the following:
The For block lets you build a loop that iterates over a list. For example, if you want to run a loop that loops over a list of the alphabet, you connect the For block to such a list.
In the next procedure, you'll use the List block to define this list.
To add a For block, do the following:
When you connect two blocks, you connect one block's input to another block's output. Inputs are on the block's left side and outputs are on its right side.
In the tutorial, you'll use the List block to define the list you want your loop to iterate over.
To connect a List block, do the following:
You can loop over any list. For example, you can get a list from an HTTP Request block's response or use the Evaluate block to generate a list.
As an alternative, replace the List block with an Evaluate block, switch to TypeScript (upper-right corner), and add the following code to the code editor:
const alphabet = []
for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
alphabet.push(String.fromCharCode(97 + i))
This code creates an empty list, adds the letter "a" to it, and loops over the code until it adds all 26 letters of the alphabet to the list.
The Collect block saves multiple outputs to a list. In this tutorial, your loop will run three times, output three values, and use this block to save these values to a list.
To connect a Collect block, do the following:
The Display block displays incoming data, such as the Collect block's outgoing list.
To connect a Display block, do the following:
From the canvas toolbar, select Run.
Congratulations! You created a list-based loop and displayed the result in a Display block.
Last modified: 2024/08/13