The Faker library enables you to generate sample data in Postman using predefined variables. Use these variables like you would any other variable in Postman. Their values are generated at the time of execution, and their names start with a $
symbol, for example, $guid
or $timestamp
See how to use dynamic variables to create randomized mock data. To try out this collection template to generate fake test data.
To use dynamic variables in pre-request or post-response scripts, use pm.variables.replaceIn()
. For example, to enter a random first name, use pm.variables.replaceIn('{{$randomFirstName}}')
. Note that variable names are case-sensitive.
The following is a list of dynamic variables whose values are randomly generated during the request/collection run.
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$guid | A uuid-v4 style guid | "611c2e81-2ccb-42d8-9ddc-2d0bfa65c1b4" |
$timestamp | The current UNIX timestamp in seconds | 1562757107 , 1562757108 , 1562757109 |
$isoTimestamp | The current ISO timestamp at zero UTC | 2020-06-09T21:10:36.177Z |
$randomUUID | A random 36-character UUID | "6929bb52-3ab2-448a-9796-d6480ecad36b" |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomAlphaNumeric | A random alpha-numeric character | 6 , "y" , "z" |
$randomBoolean | A random boolean value | true , false |
$randomInt | A random integer between 0 and 1000 | 802 , 494 , 200 |
$randomColor | A random color | "red" , "fuchsia" , "grey" |
$randomHexColor | A random hex value | "#47594a" , "#431e48" , "#106f21" |
$randomAbbreviation | A random abbreviation | SQL , PCI , JSON |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomIP | A random IPv4 address | , |
$randomIPV6 | A random IPv6 address | dbe2:7ae6:119b:c161:1560:6dda:3a9b:90a9 |
$randomMACAddress | A random MAC address | 33:d4:68:5f:b4:c7 , 1f:6e:db:3d:ed:fa |
$randomPassword | A random 15-character alpha-numeric password | t9iXe7COoDKv8k3 , QAzNFQtvR9cg2rq |
$randomLocale | A random two-letter language code (ISO 639-1) | "ny" , "sr" , "si" |
$randomUserAgent | A random user agent | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.9.8; rv:15.6) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.6.6 |
$randomProtocol | A random internet protocol | "http" , "https" |
$randomSemver | A random semantic version number | 7.0.5 , 2.5.8 , 6.4.9 |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomFirstName | A random first name | Ethan , Chandler , Megane |
$randomLastName | A random last name | Schaden , Schneider , Willms |
$randomFullName | A random first and last name | Connie Runolfsdottir , Sylvan Fay , Jonathon Kunze |
$randomNamePrefix | A random name prefix | Dr. , Ms. , Mr. |
$randomNameSuffix | A random name suffix | I , MD , DDS |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomJobArea | A random job area | Mobility , Intranet , Configuration |
$randomJobDescriptor | A random job descriptor | Forward , Corporate , Senior |
$randomJobTitle | A random job title | International Creative Liaison , |
$randomJobType | A random job type | Supervisor , Manager , Coordinator |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomPhoneNumber | A random ten-digit phone number | 700-008-5275 , 494-261-3424 , 662-302-7817 |
$randomPhoneNumberExt | A random phone number with extension (12 digits) | 27-199-983-3864 , 99-841-448-2775 |
$randomCity | A random city name | Spinkahaven , Korbinburgh , Lefflerport |
$randomStreetName | A random street name | Kuhic Island , General Street , Kendrick Springs |
$randomStreetAddress | A random street address | 5742 Harvey Streets , 47906 Wilmer Orchard |
$randomCountry | A random country | Lao People's Democratic Republic , Kazakhstan , Austria |
$randomCountryCode | A random two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) | CV , MD , TD |
$randomLatitude | A random latitude coordinate | 55.2099 , 27.3644 , -84.7514 |
$randomLongitude | A random longitude coordinate | 40.6609 , 171.7139 , -159.9757 |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomAvatarImage | A random avatar image | |
$randomImageUrl | A URL of a random image | |
$randomAbstractImage | A URL of a random abstract image | |
$randomAnimalsImage | A URL of a random animal image | |
$randomBusinessImage | A URL of a random stock business image | |
$randomCatsImage | A URL of a random cat image | |
$randomCityImage | A URL of a random city image | |
$randomFoodImage | A URL of a random food image | |
$randomNightlifeImage | A URL of a random nightlife image | |
$randomFashionImage | A URL of a random fashion image | |
$randomPeopleImage | A URL of a random image of a person | |
$randomNatureImage | A URL of a random nature image | |
$randomSportsImage | A URL of a random sports image | |
$randomTransportImage | A URL of a random transportation image | |
$randomImageDataUri | A random image data URI | data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F... |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomBankAccount | A random 8-digit bank account number | 09454073 , 65653440 , 75728757 |
$randomBankAccountName | A random bank account name | Home Loan Account , Checking Account , Savings Account . Auto Loan Account |
$randomCreditCardMask | A random masked credit card number | 3622 , 5815 , 6257 |
$randomBankAccountBic | A random BIC (Bank Identifier Code) | EZIAUGJ1 , KXCUTVJ1 , DIVIPLL1 |
$randomBankAccountIban | A random 15-31 character IBAN (International Bank Account Number) | MU20ZPUN3039684000618086155TKZ |
$randomTransactionType | A random transaction type | invoice , payment , deposit |
$randomCurrencyCode | A random 3-letter currency code (ISO-4217) | CDF , ZMK , GNF |
$randomCurrencyName | A random currency name | CFP Franc , Cordoba Oro , Pound Sterling |
$randomCurrencySymbol | A random currency symbol | $ , £ |
$randomBitcoin | A random bitcoin address | 3VB8JGT7Y4Z63U68KGGKDXMLLH5 |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomCompanyName | A random company name | Johns - Kassulke , Grady LLC |
$randomCompanySuffix | A random company suffix | Inc , LLC , Group |
$randomBs | A random phrase of business-speak | killer leverage schemas , |
$randomBsAdjective | A random business-speak adjective | viral , 24/7 , 24/365 |
$randomBsBuzz | A random business-speak buzzword | repurpose , harness , transition |
$randomBsNoun | A random business-speak noun | e-services , markets , interfaces |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomCatchPhrase | A random catchphrase | Future-proofed heuristic open architecture , |
$randomCatchPhraseAdjective | A random catchphrase adjective | Self-enabling , Business-focused , Down-sized |
$randomCatchPhraseDescriptor | A random catchphrase descriptor | bandwidth-monitored , needs-based , homogeneous |
$randomCatchPhraseNoun | Randomly generates a catchphrase noun | secured line , superstructure ,installation |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomDatabaseColumn | A random database column name | updatedAt , token , group |
$randomDatabaseType | A random database type | tinyint , text |
$randomDatabaseCollation | A random database collation | cp1250_bin , utf8_general_ci , cp1250_general_ci |
$randomDatabaseEngine | A random database engine | MyISAM , InnoDB , Memory |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomDateFuture | A random future datetime | Tue Mar 17 2025 13:11:50 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) , |
$randomDatePast | A random past datetime | Sat Mar 02 2019 09:09:26 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) , |
$randomDateRecent | A random recent datetime | Tue Jul 09 2023 23:12:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) , |
$randomWeekday | A random weekday | Thursday , Friday , Monday |
$randomMonth | A random month | February , May , January |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomDomainName | A random domain name | , , |
$randomDomainSuffix | A random domain suffix | org , net , com |
$randomDomainWord | A random unqualified domain name | gwen , jaden , donnell |
$randomEmail | A random email address | , , |
$randomExampleEmail | A random email address from an "example" domain | , , |
$randomUserName | A random username | Jarrell.Gutkowski , Lottie.Smitham24 , Alia99 |
$randomUrl | A random URL | , , |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomFileName | A random file name (includes uncommon extensions) | neural_sri_lanka_rupee_gloves.gdoc , |
$randomFileType | A random file type (includes uncommon file types) | model , application , video |
$randomFileExt | A random file extension (includes uncommon extensions) | war , book , fsc |
$randomCommonFileName | A random file name | well_modulated.mpg4 , |
$randomCommonFileType | A random, common file type | application , audio |
$randomCommonFileExt | A random, common file extension | m2v , wav , png |
$randomFilePath | A random file path | /home/programming_chicken.cpio , |
$randomDirectoryPath | A random directory path | /usr/bin , /root , /usr/local/bin |
$randomMimeType | A random MIME type | audio/vnd.vmx.cvsd , |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomPrice | A random price between 0.00 and 1000.00 | 531.55 , 488.76 , 511.56 |
$randomProduct | A random product | Towels , Pizza , Pants |
$randomProductAdjective | A random product adjective | Unbranded , Incredible , Tasty |
$randomProductMaterial | A random product material | Steel , Plastic , Frozen |
$randomProductName | A random product name | Handmade Concrete Tuna , Refined Rubber Hat |
$randomDepartment | A random commerce category | Tools , Movies , Electronics |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomNoun | A random noun | matrix , bus , bandwidth |
$randomVerb | A random verb | parse , quantify , navigate |
$randomIngverb | A random verb ending in -ing | synthesizing , navigating , backing up |
$randomAdjective | A random adjective | auxiliary , multi-byte , back-end |
$randomWord | A random word | withdrawal , infrastructures , IB |
$randomWords | Some random words | Samoa Synergistic sticky copying Grocery , |
Corporate Springs , | ||
Christmas Island Ghana Quality | ||
$randomPhrase | A random phrase | You can't program the monitor without navigating the mobile XML program! , |
Variable Name | Description | Examples |
$randomLoremWord | A random word of lorem ipsum text | est |
$randomLoremWords | Some random words of lorem ipsum text | vel repellat nobis |
$randomLoremSentence | A random sentence of lorem ipsum text | Molestias consequuntur nisi non quod. |
$randomLoremSentences | A random 2 to 6 sentences of lorem ipsum text | Et sint voluptas similique iure amet perspiciatis vero sequi atque. Ut porro sit et hic. Neque aspernatur vitae fugiat ut dolore et veritatis. Ab iusto ex delectus animi. Voluptates nisi iusto. Impedit quod quae voluptate qui. |
$randomLoremParagraph | A random paragraph of lorem ipsum text | Ab aliquid odio iste quo voluptas voluptatem dignissimos velit. Recusandae facilis qui commodi ea magnam enim nostrum quia quis. Nihil est suscipit assumenda ut voluptatem sed. Esse ab voluptas odit qui molestiae. Rem est nesciunt est quis ipsam expedita consequuntur. |
$randomLoremParagraphs | 3 random paragraphs of lorem ipsum text | Voluptatem rem magnam aliquam ab id aut quaerat. Placeat provident possimus voluptatibus dicta velit non aut quasi. Mollitia et aliquam expedita sunt dolores nam consequuntur. Nam dolorum delectus ipsam repudiandae et ipsam ut voluptatum totam. Nobis labore labore recusandae ipsam quo.
$randomLoremText | A random amount of lorem ipsum text | Quisquam asperiores exercitationem ut ipsum. Aut eius nesciunt. Et reiciendis aut alias eaque. Nihil amet laboriosam pariatur eligendi. Sunt ullam ut sint natus ducimus. Voluptas harum aspernatur soluta rem nam. |
$randomLoremSlug | A random lorem ipsum URL slug | eos-aperiam-accusamus , beatae-id-molestiae , qui-est-repellat |
$randomLoremLines | 1 to 5 random lines of lorem ipsum | Ducimus in ut mollitia. A itaque non. Harum temporibus nihil voluptas. Iste in sed et nesciunt in quaerat sed. |
Last modified: 2024/06/21