Run API tests on a schedule in Postman

In Postman, you can run your functional API tests automatically on a schedule. Use the Collection Runner to select a test suite, change the order of test execution, and set the schedule. Each time the collection runs, you'll get notified if any tests fail.

During the API development process, you need to repeat tests often to ensure quality. Executing tests manually is time-consuming and can lead to gaps in testing. Running your tests on a schedule saves both time and effort, and enables you to increase your test coverage. You can also view trends in your API's quality over time.

Run tests on a schedule

You can organize individual API requests into a test suite using Postman Collections. You can then use the Collection Runner to configure when and how often the tests will run. You can also upload data files to run tests multiple times using different data each time.

To run a test suite on a schedule, do the following:

  1. Select Collections in the sidebar and select the collection or folder you want to run on a schedule.
  2. Select Runner icon Run.
  3. On the Functional tab, select Schedule runs.
  4. Specify the run frequency and time.
  5. Choose any configuration options, such as the number of iterations you want to run and the environment to use.
  6. (Optional) Specify whom to notify about test failures and errors.
  7. Select Schedule Run.

Learn more at Automate collection runs on a schedule.

Scheduled runs execute in the Postman Cloud. Your Postman plan gives you a limited number of scheduled collection runs you can use each month (shared with monitors). Learn more about resource usage in Postman.

View scheduled test results

Postman runs your test suite on the schedule you configured in the Collection Runner. You can view the results of past test runs. You can also change configuration options, or pause and resume the test schedule.

To view scheduled test runs, do the following:

  1. Select Collections in the sidebar and select the collection or folder you want to view results for.
  2. Select the Runs tab, and then select the Scheduled tab.
  3. Hover over a scheduled run and select View to display a graph of all runs.

Each bar in the graph represents a collection run iteration. You can use the graph to understand how your APIs have performed over time. To get more details test information, select a bar in the graph.

Learn more at View your scheduled collection runs.

Last modified: 2024/05/01