Navigate the Postman Flows interface

Postman Flows has an easy-to-use interface to create your applications. This guide is a high-level overview of the Postman Flows interface.

Flows user interface

The Postman Flows user interface

Blocks on the canvas

The following blocks can be used to construct your application:

  • (1) The Start block: The first block found in every Flow and the only one that can't be deleted. Application forms and webhooks send their information through this block.
  • (2) Other blocks: One of the many types of other blocks that can be used in a Flow. The list of blocks is here.
  • (3) Groups: Enables organization, documentation, and building of Flows since groups can be duplicated. More information on organizing a Flow can be found here.
  • (4) Text annotations: One of the ways to document a Flow for other users or explain complex tasks being performed.

Building applications

The following controls are used to build your application:

  • (5) Webhook: Create a Flow that either runs automatically on a schedule, or whenever a specified event happens. More information on webhooks and automatic runs can be found here.
  • (7) Console: This is where you can find all API activity. This is useful for debugging Flows and ensuring your Flow is running with the expected information. A guide on debugging Flows can be found here.

Navigate the canvas with the following controls:

  • (8) Toolbar: Contains the Redo/Undo, Zoom, and Fit view buttons.
  • (9) Run: Runs the Flow.
  • (10) Add annotation: Adds a text annotation.
  • (11) Minimap: Enables easier navigation of larger Flows.

Last modified: 2023/08/15

Postmanaut dancing. Illustration.